Performing Routine File Management Tasks

When you right-click a file in a Document Central grid, a menu containing shortcuts to some of the most commonly used file functions displays. The items listed on this menu vary depending on the following:

  • The products that you have installed
  • The access rights that have been assigned to you
  • The area of Document you are working in
  • The type of file you are working with

ClosedExplain the options on the right-click menu.

Options Description
Preview Displays a preview of the file without opening it. You cannot edit files in preview mode.
Check-out Locks the selected file for editing. The system prompts you to enter an expected check-in date. You also can enter comments and attach the file to an email, if needed.The file is available in the Document Drafts folder in your Document directory. See Checking Out a File Manually for more information.
Check-in Uploads to Document any changes you made to the file when it was checked out. You can enter comments describing your changes and send the revised file as an email attachment if needed. The file is also made available for editing by other users. See Checking in a File Manually for more information.
Cancel check-out Checks in the file without saving the changes made while the file was checked out. A check-out can be canceled by the person who checked out the file or by an administrator. See Canceling a File Check-out for more information.
Download Places a copy of the file in a location you specify. The original document remains in Document. See Downloading Files for more information.

Note: Changes made to a downloaded document are not saved to the version stored in Document. You must check out a file to edit it.
Discussions Allows you to create or view a discussion. See Creating a New Discussion or Viewing a Discussion List for more information.
Archive Moves the selected file to archive storage. See Archiving Files for more information.

Note: Files in archive storage appear in file lists along with non-archived files.
Add/Remove in File Groups Opens the Add to/Remove from File Group window so you can change the file group for the file. See Adding or Removing Files in a File Group for more information.
Always available offline Sets up the offline viewing options and determines when to synchronize files for offline viewing. See Making Files Available Offline for more information.
Sync Provides the ability to sync versions of files that are available for offline viewing with the files that are stored in Document. See Synchronizing Offline Files Manually for more information.
Send to Allows you to send a file to one of the following:
  • Clipboard (as hyperlink URL). This option allows you to copy the URL for the file stored in Document to the Windows clipboard. You can then copy the hyperlink into any document or application that accepts Clipboard input.
  • Desktop. This option adds a shortcut to the file in Document to your computer desktop. If you access the file using the shortcut, the system prompts you to log in to Document if you are not already logged in. Opening a file with a desktop shortcut checks out the file for direct editing. When you close the file, the file is checked back in to Document. If a file is locked, checked out, or deleted from Document, you cannot open the file with your shortcut.
  • Email. You can attach the file to an email or insert a hyperlink to the file in the email.
  • Engagement. This option is only available if your firm has licensed and installed CCH ProSystem fx Engagement. You can choose to copy or move the file.
Copy/Move files Copies or moves the selected file from one entity to another. A file can be copied to multiple entities simultaneously, but can only be moved to one entity at a time. See Copying and Moving Files Between Entities for more information.
Lock Locks the selected file so it cannot be checked out or edited.
Unlock Unlocks a locked file. This option is only available when a file is already locked.
Publish Sends selected files to the collaboration area of a client portal. Select either Read or Edit mode and enter any comments, if desired. This option is only available if your firm licenses Portal. See Publishing Files to a Portal for more information.

Note: If you edit a file that is published to a portal, the version number is incremented when you save the changes to Document. This ensures that you always have a true version history for a file.

Unpublish Removes a file that was previously published to the collaboration area of a portal. The file is still available within Document. Changes made to the file while it was published are retained. See Unpublishing Files for more information and instructions.
Recall published file Cancels the publication of a file in the collaboration area of a client portal. The file reverts to the original published version. Changes made while the file was published to the portal are lost. See Recalling Published Files for more information.
File-level permissions Opens the window where you can assign permissions for a file. See Managing File-level Permissions for more information.
Task assignment Opens the Assign Task window, so you can assign a task for the document to another staff member. See Assigning and Updating Tasks for more information.
Open route sheet Opens the route sheet for the file's assigned Workstream project, if one exists.
Delete Deletes the selected files from Document. When you select this option for a file in extended storage, you can choose to remove the file from Document only or from both Document and the extended storage location. See Deleting a File for more information.
Note: If you select multiple files for deletion at the same time, and some files are in extended storage and some are in managed storage, the option to delete is disabled.
History Displays the activity history for a file. See Viewing File History for more information.
Properties Opens the Properties window for the selected file. You can view and edit many properties for the file. You can also assign a task for a file. See Managing File Properties for more information.
Version Displays a list of versions for the file. You can select to roll back to a previous version, delete a specific version, or view a read-only copy of another version. See Managing File Versions for more information.